Monday, May 13, 2013

Excerpts From Spring

                                                     Pawnee Homestead 1967

Along the winding path, a Swallow rings
from the damp wooden eave of the chicken coop.
A pasture breeze blows warbles and skittish calves
leaving cow pats across an insignificant palette of greenish—yellow.
Purple pops inside smoky rabbit brush, smashed
bright dandelions forge unrestrained along the milking stalls.
It’s like this every year.  I track the colors of spring,
pretending I'm prairie rose strolling across the face
of winter.


1 comment:

Wanda Lea Brayton said...

I didn't know you'd started blogging here, Cheryl! I think I finally managed to get your posts sent to my email, but if you want to add my email (either or both) whenever you post, that would be lovely and much appreciated. Much love, respect and admiration. — Wanda