Wednesday, January 16, 2013


Knocked on your door
even though I knew
some flowers flew
with bees riding against blue sky
try to tell me
tried to tell me
somebody else not me,
I would be flying

Patted the window
brushed it clean,
racing hearts live so dangerously
mine beating,
beating hard the pane,
silent traffic tried to explain,
I’d be flying

It’s simple as the wind
speaking is hard, so I write again,
for a thousand times last one
and I’m flying

                    It’s hard to tell the truth to me,
                    guess that’s true
                    that’s true
                    could be true

Drove my car
got out in the rain,
sat down at a downtown fountain,
ease my thumping vein,
ease my thumping veins.
Sprays of purple patterns played,
across my knees, knew I could not stay,
I’d be flying

Simple as the wind,
to speak is hard so I write again,
for a thousand times
last one

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